Clearing and Settlement

A year of action for KDPW

Poland's KDPW Group has delivered an extensive summary of what it achieved in 2014 and a briefer précis of what lies in store in this new year.

It describes 2014 as a time of focused efforts to harmonise with the new financial market framework put in place by European post-crisis regulations. In April, the KDPW_CCP clearing house was authorised by the European regulator under EMIR as Europe's third central counterparty (CCP).

The KDPW Group recalls that it introduced securities netting and automatic partial settlement, which it says reduce costs and enhance the attractiveness of the local financial market for Polish and foreign participants. KDPW also developed the Trade Repository and Numbering Agency functionalities, the latter of which issues LEI codes inter alia. The settlement cycle was reduced from T+3 to T+2 for cash market instruments.

In December 2014, KDPW_CCP filed an application with the Polish Financial Supervision Authority to have its authorisation for cleared instruments extended to include euro-denominated interbank market instruments and to add the euro and eurobonds to the list of acceptable collateral. “This is part of our efforts to ensure a comprehensive post-trade offer for participants, in this case the banking sector,” said Iwona Sroka, KDPW and KDPW_CCP President and CEO. “As the European obligations come into force, banks will have at hand more attractive solutions on the local market based on existing synergies of services provided to the market by the KDPW Group.”

Looking ahead into 2015, KDPW_CCP says it is planning to launch the service of clearing and guaranteeing transactions in bonds and repo transactions on Treasury BondSpot Poland (TBSP). KDPW will be preparing for authorisation of the central securities depository under the CSDR. The processing of further corporate actions will be standardised and automated and ISO 20022 messages will be implemented, it adds.

In the last few years, the KDPW Group continues, it has implemented a number of development projects which allow it to offer a complete range of services for the market beyond the traditional depository and clearing services, on a par with its peers in France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Hong Kong or Australia. The KDPW Group offers settlement, clearing, corporate actions processing, data maintenance as well as numbering agency functionalities in order to provide complete and attractive services to Polish investment firms and investors as well as foreign entities present on the Polish financial market. As a result, the Polish capital market can claim to be the regional leader in post-trade services. “The advanced development of Poland’s capital market infrastructure institutions to date and the obtained authorisations to provide post-trade services in the EU enable the KDPW Group to build international competences,” said Sroka. 

Details of projects implemented by KDPW and KDPW_CCP in 2014


Development of the Trade Repository KDPW_TR

The obligation of reporting derivative contracts to trade repositories took effect on February 12 2014. As one of six trade repositories registered in the European Union, the KDPW Trade Repository records details of all types of derivative contracts. Since its launch, KDPW_TR has received trade reports from more than seven thousand entities with the reporting obligation. KDPW_TR participants include 170 institutions in 12 countries.

 Implementation of T+2 settlement 

KDPW changed the settlement cycle from T+3 to T+2 for the main cash market instruments as of October 6 2014. The change of the settlement cycle brings the Polish capital market in line with the standards implemented in the European Union. The change derives from the requirement to harmonise the KDPW regulations with the CSDR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on improving securities settlement in the European Union and on central securities depositories).

The change allows KDPW_CCP participants to reduce the holding time of margins for clearing positions. Investors and participants benefit from reduced timing of the closing of trades: the buyer receives the securities and the seller, the cash more promptly.

Automatic partial settlement

As of August 8 2014, KDPW offers automatic partial settlement functionality which optimises the trade settlement process. Automatic partial settlement allows for the settlement of an instruction in part depending on the balance available in a registration account in the settlement system as at the settlement date and the settlement of the remaining part on subsequent days. 

Automatic partial settlement enhances the liquidity of settlement by optimising the settlement of trade in KDPW and improving the liquidity of clearing in KDPW_CCP.

The launch of automatic partial settlement was co-ordinated with the implementation of netting.

First foreign direct participant

Raiffeisen Bank International in Vienna is the first foreign entity to open an omnibus securities account directly with KDPW. The account is used to deposit all securities of the bank’s clients registered with KDPW and traded on the Polish market.

Furthermore, RBI is the first entity to communicate with KDPW using SWIFT messages which have been offered by KDPW for a long time as a means of communicating with participants.

Development of Numbering Agency services

As of November 17 2014, all instruments assigned ISIN and CFI codes by KDPW are also issued the Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN). FISN has been developed in order to ensure a coherent, uniform approach to the standardisation of financial instrument short names under international standards. KDPW has also issued FISN codes to all instruments previously assigned ISIN codes by KDPW.

KDPW is the only institution in Poland and one of few institutions in Europe to offer such a broad range of numbering services for financial market entities and instruments. KDPW issues the following codes:

•             ISIN and CFI;

•             FISN;

•             LEI.

Since the launch of the LEI issuance service in late 2013, KDPW has issued more than 4.5 thousand LEIs.


EU authorisation of KDPW_CCP under EMIR requirements

The Polish Financial Supervision Authority authorised the clearing house KDPW_CCP on April 8 2014, which confirms that it fulfils all requirements for CCP clearing houses under EMIR. KDPW_CCP was the third clearing house to be authorised in the EU.

With the authorisation, KDPW_CCP became a qualifying central counterparty (as defined in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)), which implies lower risk weights for exposures under transactions cleared by the CCP.

The EU authorisation of KDPW_CCP allows it to centrally clear OTC derivatives denominated in PLN. KDPW_CCP already offers the clearing of the following instruments:

•             Forward Rate Agreements (FRA)

•             Interest Rate Swaps (IRS)

•             Overnight Index Swaps (OIS)

•             Basis Swaps

•             REPO transactions

In December 2014, KDPW_CCP applied for enlargement of the scope of authorisation to include further instruments: IRS, OIS, FRA denominated in EUR.

With its authorisation as a central counterparty, KDPW_CCP became a qualifying central counterparty (as defined in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)). As a result, capital requirements for financial institutions in respect of transactions cleared in KDPW_CCP as a qualifying CCP are much more attractive (2 percent for CCPs v. 20-100 percent for non-CCPs).

Securities netting

The clearing house KDPW_CCP launched the securities netting mechanism as of August 4 2014, which means in practice that KDPW_CCP may generate one settlement instruction for all operations which credit and/or debit a designated settlement account.

The implementation of netting and directional netting of debits and credits in securities implies a significant reduction of the number of instructions sent for settlement while reducing the cost of trade settlement.

The launch of netting was co-ordinated with the implementation of automatic partial settlement.

Clearing and Settlement

The ECSDA (European Central Securities Depositories Association) has just released its latest Factbook offering an up-to-date overview of the CSD landscape in Europe.

Clearing and Settlement

NOREXCO ASA is to start exchange services for the pulp and paper industry, becoming the world´s only derivatives exchange for the sector.

Clearing and Settlement

Intercontinental Exchange, the global network of exchanges and clearing houses, has reported the first trade in the Italian PSV futures contract at ICE Endex.

Clearing and Settlement

Russia's National Settlement Depository (NSD), the country’s central securities depository, says it has implemented back-to-back settlements technology for off-exchange DVP (delivery versus payment) transactions. Trading bank accounts and transactions may be in Russian rubles, US dollars, euro, or yuan.

Clearing and Settlement

Clearstream reports that the overall value of assets under custody held on behalf of customers registered an increase of 8 percent to EUR 13.2 trillion (compared to EUR 12.2 trillion in August 2014). 

Clearing and Settlement

Euroclear Bank has opened an account with Hong Kong’s Central Securities Depositary, the Central Moneymarkets Unit (CMU).