White Papers

The ICMA-NAFMII Working Group has issued its first report, called ‘Practices and procedures in the Chinese and international primary debt capital markets’. 

White Papers

To help institutional investors maximise the efficiency of their broker voting process, Greenwich Associates interviewed 118 US institutions about the commission-management processes used in acquiring sell-side products and services and in compensating brokers and other providers.

White Papers

Specialist hedge fund adviser ENSO Financial Analytics (ENSO) has recruited Michael McMahon as chief technology officer. 

White Papers

US Corporate Bond Trading Technology Update: The End of the Beginning is a new report from Celent, authored by Brad Bailey, a research director with its Capital Markets practice.

White Papers

Broker-dealers and the need to adapt

To remain competitive in today's financial advice industry, broker-dealers must recalibrate their relationships with their advisors to according to a white paper released today by Pershing LLC, part of the BNY Mellon group.

Why Teams Are the Client of the Future for Broker-Dealers points out that changes in the advisor-client of the modern broker-dealer present different challenges and opportunities that broker-dealers must navigate.

White Papers

A new paper from CACEIS and PwC Luxembourg identifies three disrupting factors with which players will have to contend: the latest regulatory agenda, a serious change in the investor base and recent technological developments.

White Papers

BNP Paribas Securities Services reports the publication of a guide to help non-US investment managers distribute their funds into the US (Exploring America: a guide to accessing the US Mutual Fund Marketplace).

White Papers

Two things spring immediately spring to mind whenever a company trumpets a new report about the importance of the role that environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations play in the investment world. 

White Papers

By Robin Swain and David Swallow of the Bank of England’s Prudential Policy Directorate.

On 1 January 2016 a new regime for the prudential regulation of European insurance companies will be implemented under Solvency II.


White Papers

Lee Betsill,

Fourth Floor

One New Change

London EC4M 9AF

White Papers

Four of the world's biggest economies could grow by an additional $20 trillion by 2020 says BNY Mellon in a new white paper. 

White Papers

Northern Trust calls for more HF transparency

Northern Trust Hedge Fund Services is calling on the hedge fund industry to leverage technology and adopt clearer industry standards in data management to help close a gap in transparency expectations between fund managers and investors. 

White Papers

The Investment Association and EY have published Board Effectiveness: Continuing the Journey. The duo say that investors and board directors were brought together over a number of meetings to share examples of leading practice and new ideas for improving and demonstrating board effectiveness.

White Papers

A new paper from EDHEC-Risk Institute underlines the usefulness of analysing the performance and risks of portfolios taking into account their geographic equity exposure based on real economic activity and not only on their place of listing or, more generally, the nationality assigned to them in market indices.


White Papers

Repo outstandings are down, according to the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) which has just published two separate studies on the continuing cumulative effect of regulation on the ability of financial markets to support economic growth.

White Papers

Celent has released a new report, titled, Risk Management Outlook 2015: A Critical Juncture on the Way to Industrialization. The report is authored by Cubillas Ding, a research director with Celent's Securities and Investments practice.

White Papers

A new study from industry experts, Silverfinch, the secure data utility, claims to show that fund managers who help their insurance clients navigate the complexities of Solvency II reporting are likely to dramatically increase assets in the next year.  

White Papers

The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), the global hedge fund association, and the CAIA Association, an alternative investment education specialist, say they have jointly published the first of a series of educational papers about hedge funds for pension fund trustees and other fiduciaries at institutional investors.

White Papers

Eagle Investment Systems LLC, a BNY Mellon company and leading provider of financial services technology, has issued a white paper outlining how investment firms can measure and attribute investment performance and perform risk analysis across their entire organisation.

White Papers

One of the biggest challenges facing Limited Partners in the private equity world in 2015 will be maintaining investment discipline while re-deploying record levels of private equity distributions over the past two years, according to the Altius Associates annual review.

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