White Papers

Major changes for retail distribution: CACEIS, PwC

A new paper from CACEIS and PwC Luxembourg identifies three disrupting factors with which players will have to contend: the latest regulatory agenda, a serious change in the investor base and recent technological developments.

Reshaping retail fund distribution - Winning strategies and tactics in a disrupted environment highlights the impact of these catalysts on the fund industry value chain and the balance of power between the legacy industry players asset managers, institutional investors and distributors) and the industry’s new players. It offers various new strategic actions and value propositions that asset managers and distributors should consider in response.

 “The decision to focus our research paper on retail fund distribution was driven by the changing face of this industry,” said Olivier Carré, partner, regulatory & compliance advisory services leader at PwC Luxembourg. “Opportunities abound for asset management firms and distributors, but they must understand how to make the most of them. New pricing models, strong client-centric solutions, and increasing integration of social, mobile, analytics and cloud (SMAC technologies), will be essential for those who want to succeed in the new fund distribution landscape. 

Joseph Saliba, CACEIS deputy chief executive officer, said: “We believe that the insight and recommendations in this report will help asset managers and distributors define strategies that are needed to navigate the challenges before them.” He promises readers a glimpse into the world of retail fund distribution with a specific focus on the hurdles distributors and product manufacturers will have to overcome if they want to succeed in this new environment.


White Papers

To help institutional investors maximise the efficiency of their broker voting process, Greenwich Associates interviewed 118 US institutions about the commission-management processes used in acquiring sell-side products and services and in compensating brokers and other providers.

White Papers

Specialist hedge fund adviser ENSO Financial Analytics (ENSO) has recruited Michael McMahon as chief technology officer. 

White Papers

US Corporate Bond Trading Technology Update: The End of the Beginning is a new report from Celent, authored by Brad Bailey, a research director with its Capital Markets practice.

White Papers

Broker-dealers and the need to adapt

To remain competitive in today's financial advice industry, broker-dealers must recalibrate their relationships with their advisors to according to a white paper released today by Pershing LLC, part of the BNY Mellon group.

Why Teams Are the Client of the Future for Broker-Dealers points out that changes in the advisor-client of the modern broker-dealer present different challenges and opportunities that broker-dealers must navigate.

White Papers

BNP Paribas Securities Services reports the publication of a guide to help non-US investment managers distribute their funds into the US (Exploring America: a guide to accessing the US Mutual Fund Marketplace).