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Forward Thinkers

Two months on from the UK General Election, the stock market euphoria that greeted the surprise victory for the centre-right Conservative Party has not entirely dissipated, prompting many asset managers to wonder whether there is still value to be found in UK-listed stocks.

Forward Thinkers

By Jade Fu, investment manager, Heartwood Investment Management

The Chinese ‘A’ share (onshore) market started to look interesting to us when the Shanghai-Hong-Kong-Connect programme opened last November to provide more access to foreign investors and so we invested in our higher risk strategies. 

Forward Thinkers

Latvia benefits from improved economic growth on the back of structural reforms, as well as reduced banking  sector risk, says Moody’s Investors Service in a report published today (Moody’s rates the Baltic republic as A3 stable, though it emphasises that this report is an update rather than a rating action).

Forward Thinkers

As Greece tables its final offer ahead of this weekend’s summit that will end in either a third bailout or the economic catastrophe for the country the markets are optimistic that this time a deal will be done, comments Angus Campbell, senior analyst at foreign exchange trading platform FxPro.

Forward Thinkers

While concern about China's economic prospects begins to mount in some quarters, Sean Yokota, Head of Asia strategy at Nordic bank SEB sees no macro meltdown. 

Forward Thinkers

Markets have taken a measured response to today’s first Tory budget for almost 20 years with sterling barely moving and gilt yields only ticking higher marginally, says Angus Campbell, senior analyst at foreign exchange trading platform FxPro.

Forward Thinkers

The London Stock Exchange reports the launch of a range of new segments on its fixed income markets dedicated to the issuance of green bonds.

Forward Thinkers

European equities are trading lower on the surprise outcome of the Greek referendum result on the international bailout conditions set by the European Union (EU), notes Michael Stanes, investment director, Heartwood Investment Management. 


Forward Thinkers

A buoyant fundraising market has provided managers of closed-end private real estate funds with more than $250 billion in dry powder, or unspent committed capital for investments, according to private equity data specialist Preqin.

Forward Thinkers

Jan Dehn, head of research at Ashmore, discusses why most spikes in global risk aversion can be attributed directly to events in developed economies, where risks are not adequately priced in and fundamental economic problems repeatedly get swept under the carpet. 

Forward Thinkers

Could there be further good news in store for UK power consumers and bad news for investors in traditional power generators? 

Forward Thinkers

The US economy may be staging a Q2 rebound, suggests Valentijn van Nieuwenhuijzen, NN Investment Partners' Head of Multi Asset.


Forward Thinkers

Evolving Investment Philosophy

Henning Varner, risk manager at Norway's Skagendone, a leading private partnership and fund manager, in conversation with ISS.


Forward Thinkers

Five countries stick out as suffering serious debt imbalances that could hurt the banking sector in the coming years, says Maarten-Jan Bakkum, senior strategist Emerging Market Equities at NN Investment Partners (formerly ING Investment Management).

Forward Thinkers

New ALFI chairman Denise Voss lost little time in setting out her stall. Within an hour or two of the news of her elevation being confirmed, she  went into some detail in describing its "Ambition" for the next four years.

Forward Thinkers

There is palpable apprehension in the air as almost every asset class seems to be frozen into procrastination, argues Angus Campbell, senior analyst at FxPro.

Forward Thinkers

by Patrick Moonen, senior strategist multi asset, at NN Investment Partners

The best performing market year to date is Japan. 

Forward Thinkers

Sky Fund LLC (Sky Fund), a regulated US asset management firm, reports that it has entered into an index advisory agreement with a European bank rated ‘A’ by S&P and Fitch Ratings. 

Forward Thinkers

Last week’s events in the global sovereign bond markets tell us that upward movements in yields are being amplified by declining liquidity, an issue that has been a concern of ours for some time, says David Absolon, investment director at Heartwood Investment Management.  

Forward Thinkers

lan Cauberghs, senior investment director, fixed-income, at Schroders, comments on the implications of the current situation in Greece for investors.

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