Technology and Innovation

Barclays, Navigators use MyStandards portal

More news on the progress being recorded by SWIFT's MyStandards Readiness Portal. SWIFT says anno that Barclays and Navigators have successfully used the collaborative standards management platform that eases the client onboarding process for financial institutions and their customers.

The MyStandards Readiness Portal allows users to test their messages against specifications and prove their ability to reach certain quality and straight-through-processing rates, helping to improve the speed and accuracy of on-boarding processes.

“Barclays worked with SWIFT and a number of other banks to develop the tool,” says Nick Morrissey, director, cash management channels, Barclays Corporate. “Through MyStandards, our customers can adopt an automated, self-service approach to test messaging early on in the process, eliminating the need to rely solely on bank resources to complete the testing. It removes the bottlenecks and streamlines the onboarding process to the point where we have enhanced the on-boarding time for new clients from months to weeks.” 

Ellen Dion, VP and corporate treasurer at Navigators Insurance says: “MyStandards played a key role in helping to onboard Navigators Insurance with Barclays. It is a useful tool that provides one view into the testing activity across multiple parties, so you can see exactly where you are in the process. The testing provided great feedback that enabled us to progress the implementation more smoothly, it made the onboarding with Barclays very quick and easy.”

Technology and Innovation

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Technology and Innovation

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Technology and Innovation

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Technology and Innovation

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