Technology and Innovation

EquiLend and Eurex Clearing to co-operate in securities lending

EquiLend, the securities finance trading and post-trade service provider, and Eurex Clearing, one of the world’s leading clearing houses and part of Deutsche Börse Group, agreed to connect EquiLend’s securities lending platform to Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP service. The planned link, due to go live in March 2016, will allow EquiLend’s market participants to make use of their existing infrastructure to route transactions to Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP for novation and downstream processing.

Brian Lamb, CEO of EquiLend, said: “The securities finance industry realizes the benefits of a CCP model more and more. With market participants now more open to the idea of utilising central counterparties as an additional tool in their trading activity, we felt the time was right to facilitate CCP access for our extensive client base. We are very excited to be able to give our clients additional choice on where and how and with whom they direct their business.”

Matthias Graulich, chief client officer of Eurex Clearing, added: “We are very pleased to work with EquiLend in our effort to bring the efficiency of Eurex Clearing’s Lending CCP to the securities lending market. Leveraging EquiLend’s existing market position and given the broad utilisation by its members will further enhance the attractiveness of our Lending CCP and be mutually beneficial to our clients and other connected markets.”

The Lending CCP is based on Eurex Clearing’s established infrastructure and risk management standards. The clearing house, as a single counterparty to all trades, reduces counterparty risk exposure and eliminates the need for multiple credit evaluations. Users can achieve a significant reduction in capital allocation associated with bilateral securities finance transactions. The service covers loans in equities and ETFs in Europe as well as fixed income securities.

Technology and Innovation

Nomura Research Institute (NRI), a provider of consulting services and system solutions, reports the successful go-live of its custody solution with Golomt Bank of Mongolia, which it describes as a pioneer among Mongolian banks in introducing initiatives to accelerate development in the regional financial sector.


Technology and Innovation

Large banks which spend between US$6 billion and $9 billion processing standardised trades each year, and could reduce those costs by up to 40 percent by adopting a “utility” model, according to a new study by Broadridge Financial Solutions.

Technology and Innovation

More news on the progress being recorded by SWIFT's MyStandards Readiness Portal. 

Technology and Innovation

Sungard reports that French insure Generali Vie has gone live on its IntelliMatch Operational Control solution to manage its cash and securities reconciliations from a single, centralised enterprise platform. 


Technology and Innovation

Multifonds, a Temenos company and provider of investment fund software, reports the expansion of its core transfer agency (TA) solution, Multifonds Global Investor (MFGI). 

Technology and Innovation

Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) is the first global custodian to go live on the new Omgeo ALERTS GC Direct service.